Expand the sections below for Sugaring instructions.
Sweet tips included for best results.
⋅ Always do a small patch test first.
⋅ Do not overheat the Sugar Paste.
⋅ Avoid contact with eyes.
⋅ Do not apply the Sugar Paste over open wounds.
⋅ Do not apply the Sugar Paste onto sunburnt skin.
⋅ Avoid exercise, hot showers, sun exposure (at least) 1 hour prior to Sugaring.
⋅ Allow your body temperature to cool down before you start.
⋅ Do not double-dip your Sugar Sticks in the Paste to avoid contamination.
⋅ Store the Sugar Paste closed and upright.
⋅ Keep out of reach of children.
⋅ Store all products below 30°C. Keep from freezing.
⋅ Avoid storage in direct sunlight. -
1. Set up a clean, comfortable space to do your Sugaring. Lay out all the contents of your At-Home Sugaring Kit.
2. Make sure your skin is cool to touch as warm skin can further heat the Sugar Paste.
3. Remove the lid and heat your pot of Sugar Paste in the microwave for 10 seconds. Be careful not to overheat. If you prefer not to use a microwave, sit your Sugar Paste in an empty bowl and pour boiling water around the jar.
Make sure water does not reach the top of the jar and do not get any water inside your Sugar Paste jar as this will dissolve the natural ingredients.
4. Have 2 bowls handy. One for a spoonful of your Sugar Paste, the other for warm water. Place the Sugar Paste bowl on top of the warm water bowl so that it stays warm during the Sugaring process.
Sweet Tip: The Sugar Paste does not need to be HOT to be effective. You are simply warming it, so it is easy to apply.
5. Once the Paste is warm, stir with one of your Sugar Sticks.
6. Spray Sugar Prep One over the area to be sugared to gently cleanse your skin, then wipe over with a clean, dry towel.
7. Sprinkle Sugar Prep Two over the area and lightly brush the powder around to soak up any moisture.
8. Using a clean teaspoon, scoop out enough Sugar Paste to cover the area to be Sugared. Place it into the clean, empty bowl and pop the lid back on your Sugar Paste jar.
Sweet Tip: Put less than you think at first as you cannot put the Sugar Paste back into the jar, but you can always get more out with a clean spoon.
9. Using one of your Sugar Sticks, start applying the Sugar Paste to your skin where the hair is less dense e.g. ankle if you are starting with your legs.
10. Place your Sugar Stick sideways against the skin, applying a thin layer, moving against your natural hair growth (leg hairs generally point downwards, so apply the Sugar Paste upwards). Remember to apply in an area no bigger than one of the Sugar Strips.
11. Place one of your Sugar Strips on top of the applied Sugar Paste, leaving an area towards the top of the Strip, to avoid getting sticky fingers.
12. Press the Strip down with your hand then rub up & down a few times. This will allow the Sugar Paste to firmly grip onto any unwanted hair.
13. Remove the Strip swiftly in the same direction as your hair growth (e.g. downwards on your legs). You can place your other hand above or below the Strip to smooth out and tighten the skin.
Sweet Tip: Only use one side of the Strip. You can reuse the same Strip for the next 3-4 sections.
Also, at some stage you may need to reheat your Sugar Paste and replace the warm water in your bowl. This will ensure that the Sugar Paste keeps a good consistency and does not become too thick or hard to apply.
14. Repeat steps 9-13
15. When finished, wipe all sugared areas with a clean, warm, damp cloth. The Sugar Paste is naturally water-soluble and will come off easily.
16. Apply SMB Body Lotion to the sugared areas —this will have a calming effect.
17. Replace the lid back on your Sugar Paste if you haven’t already and store it in a cool, dry area.
18. Carefully boil some water, place your Strips and Sticks in the water and watch all the Sugar Paste dissolve. Dry your clean Sugar Strips indoors, ready for your next sugaring session.
19. Be sure to dress in clean clothing/underwear after sugaring. The Paste removes hairs at the root, and you don’t want to expose any open
Be sure to contact us if you have any difficulties.